Short Biography

About Cabbage

Dan “Cabbage” Rome began playing video games when he was six years old, yet his time and experience with FPS games started in 2019. In his younger years, he would spend a lot of his free time playing games on the PlayStation 2. Pitfall and Gex were among his favorites, but at the forefront was always Final Fantasy X. Strategic gameplay was something Dan really enjoyed, which is why he was drawn to many RPGs at first. The time he spent playing these games developed into a newfound love for strategy in video games. He went on to play a turn-based strategy game with Sid Meier’s Civilization IV on PC. However, all this time, right around the corner was a strategic genre he would flourish in that he had never tried before: Competitive FPS. In January of 2019, Dan played his first game of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and he was hooked. Accruing a few hundred hours in-game, he developed his natural skill for FPS games. Once Riot’s ability-based tactical FPS came out, Dan knew it was the game for him. Despite his love for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the abilities combined with precise gunplay made Valorant his competitive game of choice, and now, more than ever, he is excited to show what he is capable of.

Follow Cabbage:
Dan Rome
Katy, Texas
Current Team
TSG Elegance
Primary Role
Mouse DPI
In-Game Sensitivity
January 2, 2006
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